Thursday 30 November 2017

Five Benefits of Studying Business Administration

Business. It is everywhere. Some may even argue that it makes the world go ’round. In many ways it does, because businesses create the jobs and economic stimulation we depend on for our existence in our civilized society. With this in mind, an education in business administration can be a very valuable asset in the current job market.

The number of jobs in business and financial operations is on the rise and will continue to be in the coming years. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment for such occupations is expected to increase by 9 percent from 2016 to 2026. The BLS cites the increased emphasis on consumer data and market research as a factor in the growth, in addition to the growth of the economy and globalization.  

There is no time like the present to pursue a business administration education and reap the benefits it brings as a result. In fact, below you will find a few of them to squash any doubts you may be having:

Career Flexibility

As we mentioned previously, you can potentially do basically anything you can think of with a business administration education. You can qualify for any number of office and administrative positions, which often require only an associate’s degree in business administration.

Much like business administration, marketing is something of an umbrella term, with a vast number of occupations taking shelter under it. Marketing jobs frequently incorporate a sales aspect, as that is the goal of marketing. There are other aspects of marketing, such as content creation, that allow for more creativity relative to other facets. If you are more interested in numbers, consumer research jobs are in demand as well.

The point is there is something for everyone in the world of business, and a business administration education provides you the luxury of being able to find the best fit for yourself.

Save Time and Money on Education

There are a wide variety of degrees you can achieve to start your career by studying business administration. Many business administration programs across the country offer certificates, associate degrees, and bachelor degrees.

An associate degree will prepare you to enter the workforce sooner because of the shorter period of time they take to complete. Business administration programs like these are commonly available at community and career colleges throughout the United States. The program nearest you is but a simple web search away.

Continue Your Education

An associate degree can be the start of your quest toward a business-related occupation, but it does not have to be the last step. Once you have completed one of those programs and perhaps worked for a period of time to earn some money, you can parlay that educational award into a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree and eventually maybe even a doctorate. Much like the career paths, your education can afford you, the continuing education options in business administration are bountiful.

In your work experience, you might find a facet of business or finance that you are more passionate about than others and want to specialize in that area. Continuing your education can allow you an opportunity to find what you truly want to do with your career, while also perhaps making yourself more marketable in the process.

Learn Practical Skills

During the course of a business administration program, you can learn skills that are not only useful in business settings but in nearly any occupation you may find yourself in one day. Some of these practical skills include the following:

  • Communication skills – Communication is crucial because it is vital that everyone is on the same page when working on any project, regardless of the context. Public speaking and presentation skills are also important, especially if you are considering starting your own business. If you are not able to articulate your company’s vision to investors, for example, who will?
  • Teamwork – Feeding off the last point, many jobs require teamwork, which requires communication skills to get things done in the most efficient way possible. Working with others is also a great way to refine ideas. You know the old cliché: two heads (or x number of heads) are better than one. Teamwork also allows a group to accomplish things that one person could seldom do alone by utilizing everyone’s unique skill sets. In short, teamwork will make your dreams work.
  • Customer service – This is a crucial aspect of almost any job. Whether it’s at a retail store, fast-food joint, advertising agency or manufacturing firm, treating consumers with courtesy and a friendly demeanor is typically of the utmost importance. After all, without customers, clients or whatever term an industry employs for those who use its services, there would be neither a business nor jobs for its employees. As is the case with teamwork, customer service is in large part predicated on effective communication skills.

Start Your Own Business

Surely you have at one point thought of doing something you are good at for money and making a living by doing so. All of the greatest entrepreneurs began with a dream and, in some cases, had a business education to set them toward commercial success.

In pursuing a business administration education, you can learn the ins and outs of how business is done in modern settings. Once you have the knowledge in tow, you can use the skills you learned to start your own business and perhaps live the dream of being self-employed. As a business owner, you could have the power and the freedom to run things the way you want to, building the kind of culture you desire and ultimately making your dreams a reality.

The benefits of a business administration education are vast and can help you be successful in your career, even if you end up changing occupations somewhere along the line.

If you live in the Chicagoland area, you may be asking yourself, “Where can I find a reputable business administration program to start my career?” The answer is quite simple: Northwestern College.  

Since 1902, Northwestern College has provided students the stellar career education they need to succeed as employees in the workforce.

If interested in obtaining a two-year associate degree, know that Northwestern College offers an associate degree in Business Administration at both the Bridgeview campus and online. For those seeking a more comprehensive education in the form of a four-year degree, Northwestern College also offers programs for a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, with various specializations. These include Human Resource Management and Logistics and Supply Chain Management.

Are you worried about not being able to afford a top-notch business administration education? Northwestern College offers financial assistance to those who qualify for it. Be sure to inquire about what might be available to you when you enroll. 

Northwestern College is proud to be accredited by the Higher Learning Commission ( and is approved to provide career education for military veterans under the GI Bill.  

Your dreams are within reach, and Northwestern College wants to help you achieve them. For more information, visit us today at or call (888) 205-2283 to speak with one of our helpful representatives.

The post Five Benefits of Studying Business Administration appeared first on Northwestern College.


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