Monday 5 November 2018

Do you have your 20-second elevator speech?

A 20-second elevator speech is a sales pitch, and it’s very short.  It is a sound bite that sells you to a hiring manager or a networking contact that can help you get to an interview.  The 20-second elevator speech (long enough yet short enough to begin and end between floors) immediately gains attention and leaves the receiver wanting more.  It is a perfect speech to give when meeting recruiters at a CAREER FAIR.

     A good elevator speech includes your name, your occupation, your accomplishments, your goal and your USP (unique selling point).  It is what will set you apart from the competition and leave an impression on the mind of the recruiter. 

Answer the following questions:

  1. What are your key strengths?
  2. What adjectives come to mind to describe you?
  3. What is it you are trying to ʹsellʹ or let others know about you?
  4. Why are you interested in the company or industry the person represents?

Prepare your elevator speech for Career Fair on Thursday, November 8, 2018, from 9:30 am-12:00 noon, along with your resume. 

BE PREPARED and don’t forget to dress professionally and bring plenty of resumes.  The Career Fair is open to all NC students, alumni, and the general public.  If you are not looking for a full time or part time job, it’s a great way to make an externship contact.

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