Friday 9 November 2018

What to do after a Career Fair?

A Career fair provides an excellent opportunity to meet recruiters face-to-face and to begin to network to identify open positions. Once you have attended a Career Fair, here are some suggested practices you should do shortly after the Career fair:

GET ORGANIZED: Keep track of all the contacts you made as well as the positions that interested you.  Organize your employer business cards and get ready to follow up with the information you discussed with the recruiter at the fair.

FOLLOW-UP: Go to the company website and apply for the positions that interested you. Make sure to write down the job title and the job number so you could convey that information in your follow up email.  When applying for the position, try to identify your key skill sets as they relate to the position. When asked how did you hear about the position, state from Northwestern College’s Career Fair.

BRUSH UP YOUR LINKEDIN PROFILE: Make sure to update your profile, listing your key skill sets.  Try to connect on LinkedIn with the recruiters from the companies that you are interested in.

EMAIL THE RECRUITER: Your email should include the title and job number of the position that interested you along with mentioning something from your conversation at the Career fair.  You want the recruiter to remember you, so he/she pulls your application and calls you in for an interview. In your email, you can also suggest an interview.

CONTINUE TO PRACTICE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS and ANSWERS: You need to be ready and prepared to interview so continue practicing your interviewing answers.

The post What to do after a Career Fair? appeared first on Northwestern College.


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